Friday, September 20, 2013

An old post. Dug this out from my old blog.

Reviewing the last few hours of being 19

Hello, [this is for all the nice ones reading my blog!! You are going to be a blessed one for checking it out].

I still have 3 hours 7 min left, for my teenage to get over [sob sob] and finally m turning twenty [though according to a lot of my friends my mental age is still 6, I prefer to be 6] so I make a review of the so called surprise party my friends gave [I had a lot of fun guys, though it was not an exact surprise, love you all for it..] a special mention to Shreyas, --thanks for the wonderful CD. You are making a lot of effort to help me grow up!!Love you for it. Now that I am done with all the basic mushy stuff, let me get going with what I wanted to write.

My birthday is tomorrow [make sure u guys wish me] so they kind of knew I would not risk a trip to the library tomorrow [I really try hard to study but what the heck there are a lot of smart people to stare at! Meenu you know what I’m talking about] so they thought they are going to surprise me today. But fate had destined otherwise.

It all started with Sudu telling me that he is going to teach me some concepts in Solid State Devices [the saddest subject ever] and Sana promising me that she is going to learn mic pro programs with me [I guess m going to flunk in it, as Sana dint fulfil her promise] but I slept late last night, and ended up waking up at 9[every day I make a resolution to wake up at 5]. So my day began with me realizing that my hair was smelling like a stink whole [I really needed a wash] and with my dad yelling at me because I forgot to pick up my vehicle from the service center. So I call up Sana to tell her m going to be late [and she asked me to come ASAP] and then my dad reminds me that I need to go to Whitefield to pick up a spare part for my vehicle. So I called back Sana and told her I can’t come, due to some issues. That’s when the barrage of messages start [where are u?? y cant u come?? Tall(Shreyas) is coming to teach PGMS and so on] When I was on my way I get a message from Nupur wishing me happy b'day, and a lot of frantic calls from my friends[I m really sorry guys, I don’t pick calls when I ride, as I am prone to a lot accidents without even trying].

Aaand! I hit my eureka moment
1. I’m lost
2. My sweet friends are planning to throw me a surprise party [It wasn’t a surprise anymore]

But I needed to confirm that they indeed are planning to give me a party because dad would not be too pleased if I did not get the work done. [Shame, after living in Bangalore for 20 years of my life, I do tend to get lost quiet often… Navigating in the roads of Bangalore is like trying to figure out a maze]. So I call up Shreyas and he was pissed off [ok I know u guys wanted to surprise me, and well I AM SURPRISED]. Next I get Meenu's message saying I’m needed in college because they planned to celebrate the fact that I was born [Pun intended].

So I make a detour, manage to figure my way out and reach college before I ran out of fuel [I am very famous for riding my bike with minimum fuel] So party proceeded with full swing and vigor and I ended up with a lot of cake on my face [I am sure they took out the frustration of waiting for me to turn up by throwing cake at me and I look like I have gotten a chocolate facial]. I got nice gifts too [I love the cd's] and trust me this was one of the best birthday's I ever had!!! thank u all for making me feel nice and special [Special thanks to Nandi who is always there for me, Sana my PJ(poor joke) partner, Disha my fashion guru, Shreyas who is in charge of helping me grow up, Chotu who is planning to do a documentary with me, Arjun who manages to stand my gibberish messages, Sudu who is bent upon on making fun of me, Meenu who is always there to give me company when I need to freak out,  to Jithin, Hasham and Sudhir who made my IT class days memorable and all the other guys who came to wish me!!].Thank u sooo soo much!!! It was very sweet of u guys!!

P.S Shreyas your gift was the best. Someday I will watch it with you:-D along with Meenu!!!
P.P.S I am real sorry for making u guys wait that long. I know I wasted your precious time, but thanks so much for waiting!!

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