Saturday, September 27, 2014

Reverse culture shock?!

Bangalore has transformed leaps and bounds. Looking at the lifestyle of the kids that seem to roam/ occupy the streets of namma Bengaluru (yes I called them kids! And yes I am officially old!) I feel like a villager oblivious to the ways of the exciting city life. I mean how on earth did the city change so much in the five years I have been away?? My lifestyle in LA seems to pale in comparison to the lifestyle these kids have.

Another noteworthy point - everyone seems to be flushed with money. The city is filled with display boards advertising luxury condos and apartments. With starting prices of 2 crores???????? I mean where do people get the money from? To buy such properties? Along with all tag haeur watches, manhalo blahnik shoes and louis vuitton bags? And all the pub hopping and eating at fancy (super expensive) restaurants? Are people tapping into some secret source of money-well that I am not aware of? If yes, can someone be kind enough to point me to that money well? I would love to be on par with early twenty somethings inhabiting Bengaluru. 

I am no doubt displaying symptoms of reverse culture shock.

P.S: How on earth do the girls appear so well groomed? I look like a poster child for chaos of gomarrah in comparison. Bengaluru is doing some serious damage to my self image.

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