Friday, December 25, 2015

Why I cannot use the "All natural, DIY at home" hair products

I probably should not be using the word never. I have been known to break my promise to myself time and again. For instance I made this promise to myself when I used an egg masque for my hair 3 months ago. But apparently I did not learn from my mistake, because I decided to try another DIY all natural hair masque today. 

Like all addicts I make an attempt to justify my relapse. Why do I fall for such all natural DIY hair products? 
Its probably because 
a. I care a lot about the environment (no, I am not being sarcastic here)
b. I am broke and 
c. Nature loves to be sarcastic to sarcastic people (the whole Karma thing. Grrh) 

Let me elaborate. I have coarse, unruly, frizzy, curly hair. This is where point c, becomes relevant. Why? Because my mom and sister have beautiful straight hair that doesn't require theatrics, to tame it every week. Some how I never got those genes-- nature decided it would be best if I got my dad's unruly hair genes. While my dad doesn't need to bother much, as he can chop his hair whenever he wants, I am the one who's bearing the brunt of the idiotic genes he passed on to me. I would say this is his way of getting even with me- after all he has been putting up with my crap for all these years. 

Anyway coming back to my unruly hair - I need to spend a lot of time, effort and money to keep my hair in check. This is where point b, becomes relevant- I am working on my own company and I don't get a paycheck every month. So all the fancy hair products that were affordable before are no longer affordable. Lack of money has made me question my choices - Why do I spend 50$ on a 8oz bottle of shampoo, thats supposedly filled with chemicals that "pollute the environment"? 

Ergo, point a becomes relevant!!

For the last 3 years I have made a conscious effort to change my lifestyle, in order to reduce the burden I place on the environment - I buy e-books instead of print books, I don't use more than a bucket of water when I shower and so on. The one thing that hasn't changed however is the amount of artificial hair products I use. This is not due to lack of effort from my side, but due to some twisted logic nature has when it comes to my hair. Whenever I try some all natural hair thingy, it always backfires and to undo the damage I end up using more of those artificial hair products. So I swear off all those natural hair products for a while. I mean if nature wants me to release more pollutants, by being so uncooperative, who am I to argue? 

Eventually guilt and more importantly, reality (my bank balance could not support my hair care choice anymore) kicks in. So I decide to give this all natural DIY stuff another chance, and this leads me to the debacle that is today afternoon. 

After researching on the internet for natural hair masques, I found one that I hadn't tried - Banana and yogurt hair masque. I religiously followed all the instructions and applied the goop looking masque to my hair. I let it stay in my hair for an hour. But I must admit I didn't think this through- Let's just say that banana, honey and yogurt in your hair will attract fruit flies, will make your hair smell funny and make your hair sticky. Not to forget that small pieces of banana will act as though it has been super glued to your hair. So after spending 2 hours and countless buckets of water (so much for being conscious consumer of water) I just gave up, trying to get all the banana out of my hair. 

Banana-1, Madhuri - 0. Well played banana, well played. 

Eventually I went to a salon, got a hair wash and finally I had banana free hair. I am sure the hair stylist used some high grade industrial solvent to melt the banana in my hair. Lesson learned- Nature doesn't want me to be organic, when it comes to my hair. So my quest for natural hair products ends today (or so I think). 

P.S. I plan to sue my dad for passing on bad hair genes to me. Its his fault that I have bad hair and therefore its his responsibility to support all expenses related to my hair right? RIGHT? 

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