Saturday, January 4, 2014

Romantically Challenged

I read a brilliant article on buzzfeed, about dating. I can relate because that's how I feel about dating. Dating/ Romance happens to be a skill missing from my repertoire of social skills. I cannot romance to save my life. 

These are the reasons as to why I am still single and not capable to mingle:

1. I love my parents. You may wonder how that is related to me being single. Here's how: My parents won't be happy if I date a guy outside my caste. Also they are strong believers in astrology. Unless the horoscopes match they won't give their blessing to any guy I date/ have a relationship with. I won't date a guy unless I get their blessing. My parents criteria makes 99% of the men on planet earth undatable. Finding someone compatible in that 1% seems like work of fiction. Loving one's own parents can be hazardous to one's dating/ romance life.

2. Corny statements don't make me blush-- instead they make me laugh. Like LOL! ROFTL! So if a guy tries to hit on me by coming up with a corny statement- such as comparing me to the moon --my left brain takes precedence over my right. I analyze the statement logically and find fallacy with it. I find it hilarious and respond with sarcasm. This happens to be the best guy repellant in my armor. 

3. I don't know how to behave like a female (or what ever that means). I don't give a damn about chivalry. There are times when I have carried a guy's bag or held the door open for him. I don't do it on purpose. I just look at the practicality of the situation i.e. I am closer to the door and it makes no sense to wait for a guy to open it. Turns out such actions on my part makes the guy lose his erection.

4. I cannot flirt. I have no idea how to be cloyingly sweet and attract attention. Thinking about it gives me cooties. 

5. I hate dressing up and looking good. Dressing up for a date is way too complicated. Hair needs to be done, make up needs to be done, appropriate clothes, shoes and accessories need to be selected. It takes ages to get ready! The suffering doesn't end after getting ready--the clothes that make me look good are the ones that make me so uncomfortable that it makes me wanna rip it off and burn it. Don't even get me started on the shoes. I am sure all the good looking shoes were once used as torture devices in the middle ages. They are designed to kill feet. Why would I willingly want to go through this torture, just so that I look good for him? 

6. I will be showing more interest towards food than the guy. I mean its food-- My first love. Food is readily available and comes with no strings attached. Why would I care about how the guy looks/ smiles/ talks when I am already being satiated? 

The list can go on and on. I suck at dating/ romancing a guy. Big deal. Gives me more time to do things I am good at.

Happy New Year! Take pride in being single.

1 comment:

  1. Apropos #1, perhaps it is not altogether unreasonable to expect that dear ones may revisit and reconsider cherished beliefs as well. It is oft-quoted that love is about making exceptions, but we may say that love is also about giving dear ones a chance to change. A conversation on what the basis of astrology is and how resorting to astrology may not always be recommended even granting that it may have a basis, maybe possible to have without lapsing into acrimony. The challenges of having such conversations are the topic of this post , which is also a reminder of the serenity prayer is a problem statement for any attempt to bring about change among those with whom we share cherished relationships.
