Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Computer Communication

After a hiatus of a year and 10 days, i am back. I sure deserve a round of plaudit!!
1. For deciding to blog here.
2. For the fact that i will get a 35 and clear my computer communication networks paper (CCN)

I know its nothing great, but yet i feel i m entitled to brag about my  CCN adventure. I feel its my duty, to enlighten people about my experience, and some day i think i will find a fellow sympathizer.
After my satellite communication paper, i was feeling all flushed  and tired thanks, to VTU, who thinks i need to get my comeuppance, for not studying all through the semester, by setting such a miserable and lengthy paper. So i decide that i need a well deserved break( knowing that CCN was a monstrous subject, and i had not even opened my text book till date, and i had to complete close to 400 pages to cover up for 100 marks). I guess i had too much faith in my ability, to perform under pressure or rather study during the last minute, which has been my trademark for the last 6 semesters. so i decided i wont change this habit of mine. After all old habits die hard :) So the entire of evening of the 22nd was spent on contemplating on what i could possibly do. But trust me contemplating on doing useful things is the world's best soporific drug, and i ended up dozing off on my bed at 9 to wake up at 9 on the 23rd, still feeling sore n sleepy. I would like to summarize the events that happened on 23rd, with just some 29 hours left to go for CCN exam

9am- I m still drowsy, i kinda look as though i have some kind of a hangover(sat comm hangover probably). I feel i need more of my beauty sleep and go back to sleep

11am- I finally managed to pull myself away from my bed( i think my bed's the most attractive thing in the world).

1pm- I am done taking bath etc, everything to make me look presentable( my grandmother's too good at blackmail, she refuses to give me food until i look presentable-- wearing proper day clothes instead of my PJ's . Sigh!! The whole world's against me being, myself)

3pm-Diz calls me up to tell me she's having a tough time trying to study. (what a bummer, i had just managed to open my text book). our conversation lasted for half an hour and it included all the topics under the sun, apart from the subject we had to study.

5pm- Me being an optimist, i still am some how sure i can pull off a miracle in another umm, 21 hours to go for the exam. I make a 101 plans as to how to carefully utilize the remaining hours so that i can obtain a decent score in tomo's paper.

7pm- After all the planning i gain some momentum, n finished a chapter worth 20 marks. Another 15 to go. Ha! I will be done with ccn once and for all if i get that endearing score of 35. I realise i still had 18 more hours to cover up 15 more marks, which would be easy. May be i could relax for a while.

11:30 pm- The small break extended up all the way till umm 11:30. My optimism levels have come down a bit and i feel jittery. I realize I am not able to concentrate. When i am not able to do anything, i feel the best thing to do is to sleep.It some how reverses all the bad things :P

The exam day:(24th)

4:30 am- I some how manage to start studying seriously(sleeping for 2 hours did the trick)

2pm(24th)- I am entering the exam hall with a feeling that i m entering my own grave.

3pm- I m surprised i have finished writing for 40 marks. I marvel at my capabilities to invent my own theory and pass it off as some one else's( I m not sure what's the opposite of plagiarism is and I m sure Djistra and Bellman and Ford or any of those jobless guys who designed some routing algorithm, so that people like me can blog at peace and abuse the internet :P would have hated me for murdering the elegant solutions they came up with after years of hard work.)

5pm- End of exam. I m neither satisfied nor sad about my performance. But looking at the brighter side of life, i think i dont have to study this for the second time